To the Freshmen: 10 Things To Know About College

To all freshmen (and maybe, other college students):

I entered college at 16.   In other words, I had to figure out what I wanted to be at 15!  Definitely, that age was really really really too young.  I guess, one of the factors why some college students shift or extend years is because of starting too young, which leads to indecisiveness.  You're fortunate if you've found yourself at 16 years old, but, if not... That's why, the K-12 program is something the senior high school should really be grateful for.  It's really a preparatory stage for the next years to come.


ANYWAYS, congratulations! You are finally entering college this upcoming school year.  I, as a college senior, am very excited to meet some "youngsters", because it's been 3 years that we did not have any. 
This just came into my mind so, ta da!

1.) IT'S AN ADJUSTMENT. Whether you're far from home or not, you really have to adjust. You're gonna miss home. You're gonna miss HIGH SCHOOL. You're gonna miss your OLD FRIENDS. It took me a very long time to detach with my friends. Yet, I realized that in parting, we grow more.  Besides, there's a time for catching up.  THEREFORE, the adjustment - it will take some time, but you'll get there.

2.) COLLEGE IS NOT THE SILVER SPOON, DARLING.  Don't expect that your teachers will spoon feed you. The teachers would probably care less about you.  I'll have to admit it.  I had the best teachers, but I also had the bad ones.  When I say the "bad ones", these are the teachers who did not teach us well.  They will teach, but you have to do more studying BY YOURSELF.  Take down notes!  If you want to survive the term exams and quizzes, you'll have to supply yourself with back-up knowledge.  But, outside acads life, the teachers are your friends *winks* 

3.) IT'S EITHER "DAMING TIME" or "NO TIME". Your schedule is surely not the same with high school. It's either you get straight classes with no lunch break, or you get classes with 1 hour or even 6 hour interval. If you have straight classes, don't worry, teachers will give you a break, to take some snacks or go to the cr, or whatever.  Bring some candies and water to keep you awake, too.  Another case, if you have the luxury of free time, don't feel lazy and think about not coming to your next class. You can sleep during break. Or make your thesis paper. You can even go outdoors. Do whatever you want with your free time, BUT DON'T MISS THE NEXT CLASS, or any school-related things.  Unless, you have acceptable reasons, eh?  Just think about how much your parents or guardians worked hard for you. I also have self-supporting classmates.  I really bow down to these people, because they balance work and school at the same time.  If they can manage to do that, how much more, you? (Did I sound like a teacher with number 3? Sorry po.)

4.) CHOOSE YOUR FRIENDS.  You will meet diverse people. It's your choice to whom you make friends with. I don't know who you are, but one thing for sure is that, in college, YOU DON'T NEED TO HAVE A LOT OF FRIENDS; FEW GOOD TRUE FRIENDS ARE ENOUGH. Be with people who are good for you. You may not find them directly, but you will. Okay? 

5.) GROUP ACTIVITIES STILL EXIST.  You can be paired up with some thug. You can be grouped with the total opposite person of who you are. If you really don't like your group mates, you have to endure it for the acads, dear. ENDURE IT. Truly, choosing your group mates in college is more crucial than choosing your life partner.  Choose wisely.  Kidding!

6.) "AY, NAA KOY CLASS ANA NGA TIME.  DI KO PWEDE" This is partly related to the fifth one, TIME will always be one of your problems here. You will have different schedules with your friends or with your group mates or classmates. So, you gotta prepare yourself for that. Probably, you're gonna have some fight with your group mates because one or two may be absent due to time conflict. You're gonna have some little fight with your best friends because your time are not compatible. So, dear; IT'S A MATTER OF TIME MANAGEMENT. Using a planner or post-it's can help, just like what I do.

7.) YOUR BODY IS A TEMPLE OF GOD.  Don't tire yourself too much. Fact: I experienced being rushed to the clinic because I took 2 bottles of kopiko 78. I'll say it straight to the point, KEEP YOURSELF HEALTHY. TAKE SOME SLEEP. DON'T SKIP MEALS.  What can acads do if your body is weak? Again, Your body is a temple of God, so take care of it, my dear.

8.) EVERY NOW AND THEN, YOU'LL NEED A BREAK.  I know, you know this already.  It's just a reminder that de-stressing is a MUST.  You can relax at the cafè. Watch tv series.  Go at the videoke bar.  Sing your troubles out! Treat yourself.  Pamper yourself! Go party! Go get drunk! BUT DON'T DO THIS ALL THE TIME. That's why; it's called a break, because it's just a PAUSE. Make sure to always know your priorities.

9.) JOIN ORGANIZATION/S. You will miss 1/4 of your life if you don't. Organizations are the best places to improve yourself, make more friends, and share your talents. I have been a member of Christ's Youth in Action (CYA) and I was the President of our college's Student Body Organization last year.  Be involved in your school!  It is very fun and you will learn more, at the same time.

10.) PRAYER IS THE BEST WEAPON. JOHN 15:5 says "I am the vine and you are the branches.  As long as you remain in me and I in you, you bear much fruit; but apart from me, you can do nothing."  College will feed you a lot of pressure, but there's someone who is always at your side; that is Him. I'd like to share a line from an article I've read before, GOD FIRST, COLLEGE COMES SECOND. You can only be productive if you put Him first. 

Overall, they say "tres lang, sapat na" it's really sapat though; but I also believe that everyone can totally achieve more if you just AIM HIGHER. Your grades in college matter more than in high school.  Push farther.  It is not an assurance that you will always have a human to be there for you.  There comes a time when you are alone.  Thus, KEEP STRONG for the world out there is more harsh than the school premises.

How about love? You can love. It has never been a prohibition.  Having a relationship is never a mistake. Just always put in mind that "TRUE LOVE IS NOT A DISTRACTION, but an INSPIRATION." 

Those are my own experiences and learning.  I know you'll have an another story from mine, but I hope this helped you.  Most important rule: DON'T EVER FORGET TO ENJOY.



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