To you, the stronghearted one

Sometimes, "how are you?" can mean the world to a person.

The stronghearted ones get tired too. They might appear strong all the time, but they also have weak points in their life.  Simply because they're human.  The concern sometimes is that they have been so strong in the eyes of the people, that at times when they're not okay, they wouldn't want to show it.  Why? In most cases, it would make them appear weak, and they hate that.  So, they'd still act like they're okay, that they're fine, though they're really not.  

That's one of their weaknesses, they deny it when they are weak.   They might be strong, but they cry theirselves to sleep.  And at times when they want to express themselves, there's no one to do it with (aside from God), because again, they are strong enough in the eyes of many, and they might think that they don't need it anymore.  That's why, sometimes, ask your friend, how are you? For that would mean a lot to him or her.

Sometimes, they wouldn't want to make it obvious.  But what she or he really wants is someone to share it with. To cry on someone's shoulders.  

Although the quote says, in order to be strong, you have to recognize your weakness. Yes, of course, they know about that, but the point here is reaching out.  Strong or weak, always reach out.  For sometimes, the stronghearted ones don't really like to open up first. (They'd most likely ask about you instead.)  Well, you don't always have to start with a how are you? You can start with a "Hi." or "Let's eat."

Sometimes, I feel like that the stronghearted ones don't really like to show their bad days because people look up to them.  They're like the pillars, and if the pillars are weak, the whole foundation will fall down eventually.

To all the stronghearted ones, it's always okay to cry, but it's not really good to keep it to yourself.  Talk about it.  If you're always praying, that's good, yet it's always better when you share it, even to one person only. One person is enough.

...and sometimes, just sometimes, maybe they have been so used to being strong all the time that they have forgotten to be weak.  That's why, this season, thank a stronghearted person you know.  Thank your dad. Thank your mom. Thank your teachers. Thank your friends. Thank God. Thank yourself. Because again sometimes, they might not be really okay, but they always choose not to show it, because they do not like sympathy that much.  Just thank them, or ask them again "how are you?" for that's a nice and lowkey gesture to show that someone is caring for them as much as they care for others.

To all the stronghearted ones, even if you're being strong for one person only, or for your family, or for the whole student body, or the whole community, or the country, or the world, WE SALUTE YOU.

To you, the stronghearted one, you are always loved and you are God's gift to the world.  Keep that in mind.

Radiating Sunshine,
Hannah B.


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